TransHelp is a public transportation program at the Region of Peel for individuals with disabilities. Citizens of the Region of Peel must apply to be eligible for this program. There is an online application process available that users can go through to apply for eligibility. To begin, stakeholder interviews were conducted to develop a mutual understanding of the project’s goals and direction.
Interpix met with the Region of Peel regarding high-level issues including, but not limited to AODA considerations, new feature considerations, business project stake-holders, project priorities, requirements (i.e. Product Team, Business, Marketing, Support/Training User, Engineering), use case scenarios, user tasks, and functions and user profiles and task behaviour through any available usage data.
Interpix then executed and analysis of current site, including a competitor analysis focusing on workflows. In order to determine core design innovation points and clearly communicate design and product assumptions. Which includes developing an understanding about business objectives, the intrinsic value of the current experience and the current state of the project requirements, known issues regarding constraints (including technical limitations) and opportunities for the user-centered design process. A set of usability tests were conducted with both low and high-fidelity prototypes. The goal was to evaluate how users perform using the TransHelp edibility application form. This gave the Region of Peel the opportunity to iterate and adapt on the prototype before committing to expensive development.
The result was a simply useful™ experience and overall improving the number of completed online applications.