Canadian Kennel Club, the primary register body for purebred dogs in Canada, approached Interpix to evaluate their newly designed portal, used by over 20,000 members to register and transfer dogs. Initially, this included a User Experience (UX) / Heuristic review, followed by usability testing with target members. Based on the insights, this evolved to include low-fidelity wireframes of recommendations and an UI facelift to enhance the overall look of the member portal.
Interpix kicked off the project by conducting a User Experience (UX) / Heuristic evaluation to identify the opportunities within the member portal. Particular focus was given to issues with navigation, consistency, terminology and layout. Based on findings, Interpix presented recommendations and created low-fidelity wireframes for key pagesand primary task flows. A key area of focus was on the registration forms, where we recommended combining similar forms and using progressive disclosure to personalize the questions based on the member’s specific needs. This approach allowed for a smaller set of forms, while keeping most of the questions streamlined and consistent.
To get a better understanding of the real issues users faced with the updated portal, usability testing sessions were conducted with CKC breeders. Using the insights from the findings the wireframes were refined and then visually treated. Once approved, the designs were brought to life by our front-end development team, CKC's back-end developers.
Using our UX/UI methodology we uncovered design innovation points and refinements to the overall design, including restructuring the navigation for key pages within the portal and simplified the registration process that drives transactions and reduces support calls.
The new and improved visual design strikes the balance between a playful and corporate feel and having full control of the front-end development allowed Interpix to ensure the final product was pixel perfect.